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'Dawson's' Shipp Prefers To Go With the Flow
Tuesday, February 02, 1999 - By ALAN CARTER
He showed off his muscular frame as The Flash. And on a famous episode of "NYPD Blue," he showed his butt. These days, however, former daytime soap hunk John Wesley Shipp — a two-time daytime Emmy winner — gets to show a sensitive side as Mitch Leery, Dawson's dad, on the prime-time hit "Dawson's Creek." Here he is, under the gun:
John Wesley Shipp
Q: TV or movies?
A: Movies. Because — I'm going to get into trouble for saying this — but you get more time and you're more likely to find something with more thought behind it.
Q: Sports or news?
A: Actually, sports news. (Laughs.) Sports is fun, and I don't like watching the news. It's so depressing. Sports is entertaining.
Q: Bill or Monica?
A: Bill. This is too deep. In the words of actress Frances Fisher, when I get my dress dirty, I take it to the cleaners. This thing was none of our business.
Q: Dog or cat?
A: Dog. I like their personalities better. They're more accessible, companionable.
Q: Plan or go with the flow?
A: I plan my flow. If I don't have a broad agenda, I worry. I'm so worried about what happens next I don't enjoy the flow. My life as an actor is so uncertain that I probably plan the things I can; it helps me deal with the things I can't.
Q: Eggs over easy or hard boiled?
A: Over easy. Why? God, how do I know? (Laughs.) I never thought about this before. I guess because I like eggs gooey on my toast.
Q: I want to be alone or I want to go to the party?
A: I'm struggling with that one right now. I'm not a young thing anymore. (Laughs.) Someone just said to me the first part of life belongs to the extrovert and the second half belongs to the introvert.
But lately, I've been wanting to be at the party. I really have, it's strange. Through my late teens, and 20s and 30s people were obsessively going to parties and I wanted to be alone. Now, I want a little more attention, I suppose.
Q: New York City or Los Angeles?
A: I miss New York, I like the people, the energy.